Body Heal Therapy

Website redesign and marketing strategy to to improve ROI, drive more traffic, retain clients, and create more sales for Body Heal Therapy.


Create an engaging, user-friendly website that reflects the specialized body work and massage services that BodyHeal Therapy provides. Develop the site to drive traffic, increase conversions, and improve on-page SEO.

Strategy and Implementation:

An intuitive user journey with easy navigation and a modern, visually appealing design was important to making the user journey easy. To enhance conversion rates, prominent calls-to-action (CTAs) and a simplified online scheduling system made it easy for visitors to become clients. Client testimonials and success stories were added to build trust. Additionally, optimized on-page SEO increased ranking on search engine websites.


The sales-driven web design refresh for Body Heal Therapy effectively addressed the business’s initial challenges and delivered substantial improvements in online performance. The modernized website, combined with enhanced SEO and strategic digital marketing resulted in increased traffic, higher conversion rates, and improved client retention.